know yourself

Scientific studies on human development, mental health, consumer behaviour, and correlations between lifestyles and health outcomes, economic policies and social outcomes, etc. depend on data collection methods limited by practical and ethical barriers. The ooverse ecosystem and the accompanying animate user interface (Teddy) aims to unlock tremendous value for individuals, families, organisations and communities by helping researchers to overcome those practical barriers without compromising on ethics. 

An operating system for two-sided marketplaces

In the ooverse, your experiences touch on your financial life, your nutrition, education, health, business, relationships, and other aspects of life. Thus, data generated by users’ experiences in this ecosystem creates a digital copy of the real world, providing you with a panoramic view of your life. At the same time, we want to localise supply chains and decrease the need for transportation and the need for giant, centralised players in supply chains. That will decrease congestion, urbanisation and pollution, and create room for small, community-oriented businesses to grow. That is our vision for the city of the future and for our role as its operating system.

Building the ooverse. DIMENSION 1

Area Manager

Introducing Stories. We are building new and exciting social experiences using geolocation, proximity detection, image recognition, sound fingerprinting, and other technologies. Distributing Carensy’s services in this way reduces customer acquisition costs, provides direct access to lifestyle data thus adding context to financial transactions, maximising network effects and making Carensy more engaging.

Building the ooverse. Phase 2


Creating a medium for the exchange of different kinds of value among users, thus allowing you to crowdsource your needs from other people and organisations in the ooverse, like you do in everyday life.

Building the ooverse. Phase 3

Outcome Manager

Deploying AI models that enable users to compute alternative outcomes and select ordered choices consistent with their objectives. Imagine knowing which careers your personality and natural affinities are best-suited for. Imagine knowing which strategy will sustainably grow your business, given your relationships and resources. Imagine being able to estimate if a long-term professional or personal relationship with Jones or Jane will work out. Our users unlock a new kind of insight into themselves, by looking at their genetic information in that context. Thus, they can personalise their healthcare, for example, since genetic predisposition for disease is best predicted in the context of environmental exposures.

Hello, I am Teddy

A perfect snapshot

You own and create data even if you own and create nothing else. You can try to lock the data in a safe, or give it as a gift to platforms that give you nothing in return. Alternatively, you can treat your data as you would advise a poor person to treat his lottery winnings: “Invest it wisely; don’t hide it under a mattress or spend it on expensive gifts.” That is what ooverse is about: investing your data in return for a perfect snapshot of your life. With that insight, you can compute, for example, which careers your background and personality are best-suited for, which strategy will sustainably grow your business, or the chance that a long-term relationship with Jane or Jones will work out.

Founder’s foreword

Considering how often public policy, product development, corporate strategy and people’s everyday decisions are said to be based on scientific studies, making scientific studies more effective, more inclusive, more transparent and more ethical is crucial to successfully building the more efficient, more inclusive, more transparent and more ethical future we hope to create. Welcome to the ooverse.

— Abed


Imagine better